Gachi (Closed)
I have very low tolerance for unauthentic Asian cuisine, especially for Japanese, Korean, Malaysian and Chinese food. I get it, this is not Asia. We...
I have very low tolerance for unauthentic Asian cuisine, especially for Japanese, Korean, Malaysian and Chinese food. I get it, this is not Asia. We...
Of all the countries I’ve lived in, Calgary has the shortest summer season. This is one thing that I still can’t get used to...
天氣變涼了,短短的夏季也結束了… 唉,無情的夏天,說走就走,留下我獨自面對漫長又寒冷的冬天 (哭~~~) 不管再怎麼難過,也要面對現實。樂觀地想,又有多少人能夠在 -30ºC 的冰天雪地中,度過聖誕節呢? 哈哈哈 (苦笑)! 好,今年冬天,我會補上照片讓大家感受感受加拿大酷寒的威力! 之前,跟大家介紹過幾個卡加利必玩的夏日活動 (還記得牛仔節和太陽與莎莎醬節嗎?) 想到夏天,還有一個活動是美食愛好者一定不能錯過的,那就是卡加利美食節 (Taste of Calgary)!!!
旅行的意義是什麼? 我想答案因人而異,也因時而異。有時單純想放鬆心情,紓解壓力。有時想藉由旅行,出去看看世界,學習新東西。不管旅行的初衷為何,若能在途中,了解當地的歷史文化、風俗民情,使旅行增添另一層意義,不也是很棒的收穫與回憶嗎? 要了解當地歷史文化,可以透過不同的管道。如果是跟團旅行,導遊通常就會灌輸你相關的知識。像我不愛跟團的人 (有人跟我一樣不喜歡被強迫購買當地名產,而且時間被綁死死的嗎?) ,除了自己上網翻書做功課,(當假文青) 去歷史博物館走走,也是不錯的選擇 XD 「可是我不喜歡博物館那沉悶的氛圍,怎麼辦?」沒關係,如果你來卡加利玩,我一定介紹你去歷史文物公園 (Heritage Park)。之前,我以為它是個博物館,一直到上個月親自去了一趟,才發現它是個佈滿歷史建築的主題公園。要不是因為凱文的公司辦餐會,我們也不會發現這個老少咸宜的好去處 😛
We always pass by Heritage Park whenever we drive to the Southern part of Calgary. At first, I thought it is a history museum...
If I were asked to choose the most vibrant neighborhood in Calgary, it would definitely be Kensington. Nowhere is more lively and trendy than this district...
Hello everyone! I know it’s Monday. No one loves Monday. It’s the worst day of the week. But since you stop by my blog, I am...
After our day trip to Columbia Icefield and Glacier Skywalk, we finally arrived at our final destination- Banff National Park. It was almost 5...
I am the type of person who is always looking for a change- a new TV drama, a new type of tea, a new hobby,...
I remember I was 17 the first time I went on a trip on my own. As a student, I didn’t have much money that...
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