Blue Star Diner
Our friend tried to bring us to here once on a weekend, but found out that it was at least a 40-min wait when we...
Our friend tried to bring us to here once on a weekend, but found out that it was at least a 40-min wait when we...
There’s so much to do and see at the Stampede Park. It is just impossible to watch all the entertainments and tour around the...
In my last LV post, I shared with you our dining adventures to the North Strip restaurants. Today, let’s take a look at what’s worth...
離開哥倫比亞大冰原,體驗完冰川空中步道,我們終於抵達本次旅行的最終目的地~ 班夫國家公園 開車抵達飯店已將近下午五點。凱文從一大早開車開到現在也體力透支了。一到班夫,我們最想做的就是好好吃一頓,補充體力!! 我們步行來到班夫小鎮覓食。走進班夫小鎮,猶如走進童話故事,好夢幻!
After a quick downtown tour, we headed towards the Stampede Park for the most exciting big show! The Stampede Park is conveniently located outside...
Famoso is where Kev and I religiously go to whenever we crave authentic pizza. Dedicated in bringing the taste of Naples to its customers, Famoso makes their Neapolitan pizzas...
體驗完冰原探險,我們回到遊客中心,搭上接駁車,前往下一個景點─ 冰川空中步道 (Glacier Skywalk)。冰川空中步道今年五月初才剛落成並正式對外開放,是加拿大最新的旅遊景點。我們這個時候來,剛好有機會能踏上玻璃步道,在280公尺的辛華達峽谷(Sunwapta valley)上方,享受壯觀的冰川美景! 不到幾分鐘的車程,我們已到達景點。在入口處,就能看到整個步道是建在完全開放的峭壁上。
Menyatai has been our to-go place for ramen in the city. We first visited there in February and we’ve been continually going back there whenever...
I know, my posts on Las Vegas were long overdue. I finally have time going through the photos taken on our Las Vegas trip....
來卡加利一年了,但一次都還沒去過班夫國家公園 (Banff National Park)。好不容易等到了夏天 (冬天太冷,沒有想去的慾望),上個月我跟凱文就來個兩天一夜的班夫小旅行。 我對班夫的印象停留在2005年。當年我媽跟旅行團來加拿大找我,我就搭順風車,跟他們去了班夫一日遊。因為太久遠了,我的記憶裡只有…白雪、小鎮、還有超長的車程! (當時,我們從溫哥華坐長途巴士坐得頭昏腦脹 o_O) 這次我特別做了功課,除了去班夫國家公園,還買了哥倫比亞大冰原 (Columbia Icefield)、冰川天空步道 (Glacier Skywalk) 及船遊明尼旺卡湖 (Banff lake cruise) 的三合一套票。卡加利到班夫國家公園的車程僅一小時,但由於哥倫比亞冰原及冰川天空步道距離較遠,所以我們第一天一早就先開車朝哥倫比亞冰原前進。
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